Another Pancake Day is nearly here! Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) is in just a few days, on the 16th February. If you don't make pancakes regularly at your house, this is a perfect time to start thinking about getting out those pans and making some batter.
Shrove Tuesday, for those who might not know, is the day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, which were traditionally a time of fasting. Shrove Tuesday is what gave us Pancake Day, as a means to use up one's household eggs and fats before embarking on this Lenten fast, and pancakes were the perfect way of using up these ingredients.
This year, our first new recipe is an important addition to our core master recipes and is for Sourdough Pancakes (using leftover sourdough starter). One cannot get any health-ier pancakes than this.
Continue scrolling down and you'll run into two other new recipes. The first is for a lovely Whipped Maple Butter, which would go beautifully (especially on a snowy winter morning, which today is, here) with the Sourdough Pancakes. The other recipe is for Aebleskivers, a Danish Pancake, which we made mention of in last year's blog.
These recipes, along with other noteworthy variations on the pancake theme, can be found on our Pancake and Waffle Recipes page.